August 20, 2018
Pagosa Springs is our congregation,
We don’t favor a particular church or denomination.
We have salted the Pagosa Sun paper with an occasional ad,
The ads have made some very happy and the devil fuming mad.
Cyberspace is our bulletin board.
We cater to those who are lost and are out of sorts.
Because the Lion of Judah within us roars and scores,
Peter and Rebekah on Lake Pagosa are never bored.
You are welcome to come and check them out
And find out what they are all about.
Peter and Rebekah
Here are some of the occasional ads in the Pagosa Sun paper.
Click on the ads to get the full banana!
More ads are waiting in the wings to be posted. Go to: What’s New? – What’s Next?
Click on the picture
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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.