"The Other Pulpit"
(Excerpt from our February 1980 newsletter)
The purpose of Crafts for Christ is not to raise up another ministry, but to raise up ministers. Ministers are people of all ages who are willing to use their time and talents for God. Each person who loves God and His Son Jesus can be a minister.
I wish to address myself in this newsletter - our second one - to every person who has acquired or would like to acquire a skill as an artist or craftsman. Whether you can use a camera, an embroidery needle, a sewing machine, a potter's wheel, a saw or a paintbrush, you can dedicate the labor of your hands and heart to God. You can write the Gospel in art and crafts as it is being written in music and letters. I would like to call arts and crafts "The Other Pulpit"– a place and an opportunity for service and expression so easily and so often overlooked.
Many of God's children have been alienated by the traditional pulpit for one reason or another. Nevertheless, the desire of our heavenly Father to speak to His children is as keen and unabated as during those few years that He spoke to us directly through His only begotten Son Jesus.
Relentlessly God seeks new ways of speaking to those who have turned a deaf ear and a stony heart to Him. Maybe "Crafts for Christ" can become the sign language of heaven for those who can no longer hear the spoken or written Word? We do not need to be ordained to minister; we need to be anointed. I pray that every artist and craftsman who loves Jesus will seek God's anointing–God's favor–upon the labor of their hands. "The Other Pulpit" could become a very important place for the Lord to speak!
1. Always give some of your work as gifts, especially to those who least of all expect a favor from you.
2. Create out of the fullness of your own heart and faith.
3. Do all of your work as unto the Lord; in other words, as if you were making a very personal gift for Jesus.
4. Attempt something that is more difficult from time to time.
5. Look for opportunities to teach your skill to others.
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Latest Life Letter
We, Peter and Rebekah, are wasting no time in adding our "AMEN" to the story: "HEAVEN IS REAL BUT SO IS HELL" by Vassula Ryden. The book was recently placed into our hands by our son John and his wife Lisa. After reading it in almost one uninterrupted session, we became its advocate. We asked John if he had any extra copies and he said, "Tell us how many copies you want and we will send them to you. Our ministry is to see that the book gets into circulation as quickly as possible."
Please consider it a matter of urgency to get acquainted with Vassula's life and ministry. Maybe the Holy Spirit will provoke you to read the book and in turn place it in front of friends and relatives, especially those who are alienated from God and the pursuit of God? Maybe you will find your own "High Calling" in the book. You can go to this web site to get acquainted with the author and also order your own copy:
If you cannot afford the expense at the moment, we will send you a copy. May God bless all who take these words to heart and act upon them.