Peter and Rebekah Laue - 965 Cloud Cap Avenue - Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 USA

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Peters Audio Epistles

Peter’s Audio Epistles Posted on “You Tube”

Here is some history about Peter’s Audio Epistles

The stories were originally a part of an occasional newsletter sent to about 300 people. There was no official publication date. They were mailed to people who requested to be on the mailing list. Most of these folks had been visitors to Peter & Rebekah’s home on Lake Pagosa, Colorado and had placed their names in their guest book. The first newsletter was published in 1979. The last printed and mailed newsletter was sent out in 2001. The stories selected for You Tube came from publications between 1985 and 1997. Peter has continued to write. All stories, both new and old, can be found at Go to “Contents”. The stories are listed in alphabetical order.

Not every story written between 1985 and 1997 is included. The stories were initially recorded on ninety minutes cassette tapes and later transcribed onto six CD’s that could be played on CD players. In order for the recordings to be compatible with You Tube requirements, they needed to be reformatted. All six CD’s now fit on one CD, but they require software that accepts the MP 3 format. All computers and most newer cars allow MP 3 discs to be played. The combined length of the recordings is 338 minutes. With every story, a suitable picture has been selected that will remain on the computer monitor while the story is read. The table of contents include the pictures the listener will see.

Click on the "Disk" title to get to the audio, and on the segments below to get to that particular webpage, if there is one.

Audio 1 of 6

About Us
On the Road to Damascus

Audio 2 of 6

Especially for Fathers
Who Am I?
In Search of Sanity
A Smoker's Prayer

Audio 3 of 6

Prayer for those in Mental Prisons
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion of Judah Roars
Don't Fence Me In
The Paint Brush

Audio 4 of 6

Driven and Being Driven
I'm Free
Portrait of a Heart
My Gift
(dontinued on next disk)

Audio 5 of 6

A Letter from Dennis
The Turning Point
Charles G Finney

Audio 6 of 6

Confession Is Good for the Soul
It Can Happen Today

Thank you for listening to and or reading Peter’s stories. The titles of the stories are shown above each picture. They are underlined and linked to the website where they can be accessed.

Feel free to ask for a copy of the CD. Our mailing address is: Peter & Rebekah Laue, 965 Cloud Cap Ave., Pagosa Springs, Colorado 81147, USA. Or you may want to send a letter via the web site: Feel free to copy the CD and pass it along.

The MP3 disc is called: Audio Epistles and is numbered disc 1, disc 2 , disc 3, disc 4, disc 5, disc 6.


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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.