Peter and Rebekah Laue - 965 Cloud Cap Avenue - Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 USA

The Paint Brush

Peter and Rebekah Laue            
I keep my Paint Brush with me, wherever I may go,
    in case I need to cover up,
    so the Real Me doesn't show.
I'm so afraid to show you Me; afraid of what you'll do;
    you might laugh, or say mean things;
    I'm afraid I might Lose you.
I'd like to remove all my Paintcoats,
    to show you the real, true Me.
    But I want you to try and understand;
    I need you to Like what you see.
So, if you'll be patient and close your eyes,
    I'll strip off my coats real slow;
    Please understand how much it hurts,
    to let the Real Me show.
Now my coats are all stripped off. I feel naked, bare and cold.
    If you still love me, with all that you see,
    you are my friend, pure as gold.
I need to save my Paint Brush, though, and hold it in my hand;
    I want to keep it handy, in case somebody don't understand.
So please protect me, my dear friend,
    and thanks for loving me True;
    But, please let me Keep My Paint Brush with me,
    Until I Love Me Too!
Click for the
Original poem in her handwriting

"The Paint Brush" was written by a beautiful young lady while she was in a mental institution. She came to visit us several years ago. Indeed, we found her to be a very beautiful and sensitive lady. There are many others who have been mistakenly placed into mental institutions, even prisons. My high calling from God is to be their advocate wherever these very sensitive people might be that the world often discards. God has a special place in His heart for them and so have I.

I, Peter, decided a long time ago that I would become transparent and thereby allow myself to become vulnerable. It took courage to do that. It takes courage to do that. Becoming more and more transparent is an ongoing process. I made the decision to allow others to see the "real me". I have learned the hard way that I must remove my "Paint Coats" slowly and carefully. A little effort will be required on your part to meet the "real me", the "real Peter". You can meet him by clicking on these highlighted words:

The Purple Pamphlet

I would love to hear from you after you read "The Purple Pamphlet" and have met the "real me". Read everything! Only then will know if you are wearing "paintcoats" or if you would like to invite Peter into your private world. If you choose to reply, a handwritten letter to this address is this writer's preference. Peter Laue, 965 Cloud Cap Ave.,Pagosa Springs, Colorado 81147, USA. Know that your love and prayers are very much appreciated. This is both a hard and happy journey my handmaiden Rebekah and I are on.


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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.