Peter and Rebekah Laue - 965 Cloud Cap Avenue - Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 USA

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Life Letters


Sunday, March 22, 2020

"Peter, you have been my scribe and storyteller for many years. You have completed that assignment. You have also been my watchman on the wall. You don't need to add more fuel to the fire or shout more words in the streets. The fire that is now raging cannot be extinguished by man. Man will try, but man will fail. Man's smarts are not enough to extinguish the fierceness of My anger, shall not be able to silence my roar. Everything that is hay, wood and stubble will burn. Everything that is hay wood and stubble is burning. The corona virus is My doing. Some will be able to dodge the unseen bullets. And that is also by my design. Every virus is like unto a bullet, a bulldozer or a wrecking ball. It is under My direction, under My dominion. Fighting the virus is like trying to extinguish a forest fire with a garden hose. Those who expect to live, must run for their lives or hide. Anyone raging against the Author of the fire is wasting their breath. Repentance is the only antidote to My wrath and My roar!

"Many will die; some will get out of the way but barely escape with the shirt on their back. By my grace, a few will learn those hard lessons that only adversity can teach us. Death has no sting for those who know Me. Adversity, the fiery furnace of affliction, must be viewed as the signature of my love by my lost sheep. I came and offered my life to save souls. I am the only one who can. In the past, neither famine, hunger, war or disease have impacted the hearts of man. The landscape of the human heart has not changed very much since I came two thousand years ago. Yet, I have not stopped looking for my lost sheep. I don't give up easily. Remember, you were one of those lost sheep? You know what it feels like to be lost.

"You have done what I asked you to do by using your pen as my sword and your lips as my trumpet. You also learned to comfort the broken and faint-hearted. You have been my watchman on the wall. Only a handful have heeded the warning words you placed on your web site and You Tube. But since you know that a single soul is more precious to Me than the whole world, you have kept on keeping on. You have given Me much joy. Like the apostle Peter, you have wept bitterly over your sins. Then I was able to heal you and use you to strengthen the brethren. Even before you were born, I knew you and knew you would strengthen the brethren. I did not give up on you.

Learn how this Peter was restored by God's Grace - click on either picture

"I tried to save Sodom and Gomorrah but could not find ten righteous souls to restrain my anger, my judgment. Righteous Lot and his family left the city before I destroyed it. This world has become another Sodom and Gomorrah. It is written that it will be destroyed. Watch out below. Things will get a lot worse before they will get better.

"I have dominion over the sun, the moon, the tides, the seasons and yes, every corona virus. I am a loving and forgiving God; but I am also the just and all-powerful God. I AM! Those who have kept trifling with my grace have no place in my Kingdom. No virus will be able to hitchhike into my Kingdom. No soul that does not bend their knees to Me will be able to enter. It is no accident that your name is Peter. I have trained and ordained you to be one of my spokesmen and gatekeepers."


Every morning Rebekah reads to me before we start the day. Our bedroom is God's Throne Room. Rebekah can see it and experiences it. The Lion of Judah has visited the bedroom and placed His front paws on our bed. And then He roared into the four corners of the world. What a roar that was. It is a forever roar. Our bedroom is a holy place. We do not allow anyone to violate our time and space. The last few years Rebekah has read to me, her husband, out of the devotional "Jesus Always" by Sarah Young and "The Seeking Heart" by Fenelon. If you have the daily devotional, go to and read March 22.

(Go to page 124)

Virtue starts to grow in a heart that desires the will of God. It is not a question of knowing a lot, or being talented, or even of doing great deeds. All that you really need is to long to belong completely to God. But how does your will come to this place? By conforming little by little, but without reservation, to what God wants. You must learn to bring your weak will in line with God's all powerful one. Here you will find inexhaustible and never-ending peace and joy.

Adore, praise, and bless God for everything! See Him in all things. There is no longer anything truly evil in your life for God uses even the most terrible suffering to work for your good because you love Him. Can the troubles God uses to purify your life be called evil? Think of what these troubles accomplish in your life.

Rest all your cares on the bosom of the Father. Be content to follow His will in all things, and to let Him bring your will into harmony and oneness with Him. Do not resist Him as He works within you. If you feel resistance rising up inside of you, turn to Him and take His side against your own rebellious nature. He will know what to do. Learn not to grieve the Holy Spirit within you, for He watches over your inner life. Learn from the past mistakes you have made without getting discouraged.

How can you better glorify God than by renouncing your own desires and letting Him do what pleases Him? He is truly your God when you see nothing but the hand of God ruling over all things in your life, and you worship Him with no outside pressure and even with no inward comfort.

To want to serve God in some conditions, but not others, is to serve Him in your own way. But to put no limits on your submission to God is truly dying to yourself. This is how to worship God!

Open yourself to God without measure. Let His life flow through you like a torrent. Fear nothing on the road you are walking. God will lead you by the hand. Let your love for Him cast out the fear you feel for yourself.

(More of "The Seeking Heart" by Fenelon can be found at Seeking Heart, The )


If you know that Jesus is God and you have made Him your God, your only God, I will meet you and greet you and hug you on the other side of the Jordan. I will meet you a the Pearly Gate. Click on the gate to enter.

The Other Peter - the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller

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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.