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Life Letters


February 7, 2020

Good Morning Lady Marleen,

A number of events have collided to give me greater clarity, direction and greater faith. There is no longer any hesitation. I know where I am to invest the balance of my life. I won't keep you waiting or guessing. I am to challenge men and women of valor to join God's End-Time Army. These are fearless individuals who will take out giants, their own first. Next, those giants that control our religious, political, economic and entertainment empires. Every empire that builds ego idols and worships them is scheduled for demolition. These are Jesus' words, not mine.

Like in Jeremiah, chapter 1, I have been called to roar at the gates of these worldly kingdoms that are a stench in God's nostrils. Go to Jeremiah Speaking and you will hear my roar. I am dropping everything to ask you, to invite you to go to war alongside of me and add your roar to mine.

This assignment became crystal clear as I was reading the book "Giant Slayers" by Leif Hetland. Our Upper Room guest placed the book into my hands a few days ago. I am not just reading the book, I am inhaling it. It's perfect for the "now Peter" and probably perfect for the "now Marleen." The book has challenged me to go all out for Jesus, my Commander-in-Chief and bring glory to the name that is above all other names and freedom to the captives.

Ramona Barbara came down the steps from the Upper Room Monday morning, February 3. She plucked herself into the chair next to me as I was writing a letter. I stopped and paid attention to what was on her heart. Then I pulled a smooth stone out of my pajama pocket and said, "I sleep with that stone. I am to be ready 24/7 to fight giants. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, get up and go into battle."

At that point Ramona Barbara excused herself, went back to the Upper Room to get something. She brought down "that book" and said, "That's one of the books I grabbed before I came. I had planned to read it while here." Well, my dear Lady Marleen, I glommed onto it and have been inhaling it, not just reading it.

This morning while reading chapter eight, the Holy Spirit gave me great insight and put all the pieces of a puzzle together. I am to raise up an army of mighty warriors. I am to recruit many Davids, many Giant Slayers. And yes, I see you as one of them. I see you as another "David." Take these words to heart and run and roar alongside of me.

I may be a little repetitive, but please allow me to put these fighting words once more into your slingshot.

I'll be 87 this month. The Lord spoke to me and said, "Peter, front row seats in heaven are not for people who live long, they are for those who finish strong like John the Baptist, the Apostles, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King. People who try to make a name for themselves on earth, don't show up in heaven's royal register, only in history books. Those who opt to die in bed instead of battle are not honored in my Kingdom. The world and its healers try to prolong life on earth with limited success; but I, Jesus, the Son of man and the Son of God came to save, heal and prolong life so that my followers will enjoy life forever in my Father's House." That's why Jesus and only Jesus is known as the Great Physician, Savior and Lord of lords. Our job is to make Him known and to follow in His footsteps. Our job is to help place Him on the throne of hearts. Our job is to follow His orders.

I don't know how much time is allotted to me on earth, but God knows; and He is in control of my life, everyone's life. He wants me to raise up more Davids, more Giant Slayers, more Slingshot Slingers. That's my "now" job. I am to spend the rest of my life raising up fearless warriors. I am to hand them their marching orders. They are to pick up the wounded and put them back on their feet, cheer for the fainthearted who are ready to quit the race and give up, set captives free, and supply ammunition to Slingshot Slingers.

I am to speak courage into warriors' hearts. Will you help me do that? If these words speak to you, invite them into your heart and pass them along.

Yes, we all run different races, different obstacle courses, go through different boot camps, and also receive different marching orders. If we faithfully carry out our assigned tasks, we will all meet at the cross and beyond, the only gate to heaven. These words are not for wimps; they are for warriors. You already know that. Merit badges are not given to those who live long, but those who finish strong. I can't repeat those words often enough. I cannot ask you often enough to listen to Jim Nabors singing "The Impossible Dream" and to pass the song along. The words in that song are for warriors who are willing to risk dying in battle. Finishing first is not what this race is all about; it's about finishing. Everyone who finishes is a hero in God's book. Everyone who finishes will hear these words: "Well done, good and faithful servant."

I sleep with a smooth stone in my pajama pocket, ready to hurl it at Goliath. When the Lord wakes me up in the middle of the night, I jump out of bed and listen for battle orders. I see myself as an another David, ready to jump into action 24/7. Jesus put "the Word" in his slingshot and that is also my ammunition. I am His Wordsmith. I "doctor" when I write and I go to war when I write. Your smooth stone may be a song, a dance, a painting or preparing a meal for a hungry heart. Yes, I see you as another David. Click on the shepherd boy with the slingshot or the smooth stone in the palm of my hand. You will marvel when you see, hear and experience where that stone has landed.


We are expecting to see you and Mack at the General's Tent in 2020. "Giant Slayers" by Leif Hetland will be waiting for all who come. Allow enough time to read the book while you are here. Every fearful heart that walks through the door will be transformed. Yep, the battle is the Lord's - always has been, always will be. It's time to get excited. We already know the final score: Satan Zero, Jesus Won!

On second thought, don't wait to read "that book" until you come. Order the book now, order it today and you will have killed that huge giant called "procrastination."

Strap on your combat boots, Lady Marleen

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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.