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Life Letters

Jeremiah Speaking

January 16, 2020

Before reading further, I suggest you first read the Book of Jeremiah – all 52 chapters.

The wrecking ball of God’s judgment, justice and vengeance is poised at the gates of our cities, the doors of our churches and cathedrals, universities, Congress, the Supreme Court, at the gate of every magnificent ego edifice, and every home and heart. The Word of God and our Constitution has been twisted and looks more like a pretzel. God is angry. He is very angry.

A handful of gripers and complainers are making many of our laws today and are changing the rules of conduct and morality. Mark my word, that won’t continue much longer. War instead of peace has fueled the economy. Sickness and diseases have prospered a few and made many into paupers. Greed and lust has polluted the planet and our souls. Black is turning into grey and then white. Our healthcare systems prefer that we stay sick and needy so it can continue to prosper. Our Creator/God is angry–very angry. It’s a waste of our breath to ask for mercy unless we first repent.

Churches, seminaries and schools are raising up men with wishbones instead of backbones, wimps instead of warriors. Pastors and priests preach what is popular and whatever attracts the largest crowds. Shame on them. Lying prophets are a dime a dozen. The Book of Jeremiah and other parts of the Old and New Testament that demand obedience and respect are conveniently ignored. The Ten Commandments no longer have a place in our schools, churches, courts and homes. They have been erased or are ignored.

Many, like Esau, the twin-brother of Jacob, have forfeited their inheritance for a pot of porridge –a “play now and pay later life-style.” That mentality has created banking empires that are enslaving millions. I am writing these words to herald God’s judgment, justice and vengeance. He is angered by idol worshippers, self-worshipers and self-pleasers. Halls of fame are full of them. His fierce anger shall wipe them out as He did in the Book of Jeremiah. You don’t want to fall into the hands of an angry God. Repent, if the Lord shows you that you are one of them. It’s a sad day indeed when the word “repentance” no longer triggers a response in us.

I finally came to grips with my own wimpy nature. I also saw that my opinion of myself was like filthy rags in the sight of God. By the grace of God I have been able to see the wimp and uncleanness in my soul and was able to repent. Here is what the old Peter looked like:

The Old Peter – “The Wimp”

A wimp is a self-pleaser and a man-pleaser. A wimp is a professional phony. A wimp is lukewarm, in other words, he is always politically correct. He may be a nice guy, but he has no backbone. The fickle opinions of the crowd are his opinions. He does not have the strength of character to say “NO” to another beer or another “dear.” He lies and makes excuses rather than admitting that he was wrong. He procrastinates and often breaks his commitments. He talks a lot but does little. The only party he ever attends is his own pity party. He complains about everything and everyone, including God. He is afraid to confront himself or others. He thinks of himself more highly than he ought to. He is just like the apostle Peter who denied that he knew Jesus. Yes, the apostle Peter
used to be a first-class wimp. He was ruled by the fear of man. But Jesus saw Peter as a rock; and Peter became that rock after Jesus prayed for him. (See the book of Luke, chapter 22). I hope this definition will shame and challenge every wimp to become a warrior. It’s never too early or too late to become a warrior!

And here is what the new Peter looks like:

The New Peter – “The Warrior”

A warrior is a Father-pleaser. He has acknowledged his sins and has made restitution wherever possible. He has bridled his passionate, unruly human nature. A warrior has submitted to and obeys Jesus Christ as his Supreme Commander. A warrior knows his place and purpose in God’s army. He has been trained and knows how to use the weapons of warfare. He keeps his powder dry until he is called into battle. He knows the Word, trusts the Word, and is able to hear God’s still, small voice. He does not compromise what God says. A warrior knows who the enemy is and how he operates. He knows that the enemy is not made of flesh and blood like ordinary people (Ephesians 6:12). A warrior knows that Jesus in him is greater than any of his enemies; and that
Jesus in him has defeated every enemy, including death. A warrior has no fear, except the fear of the Lord. A warrior knows that the battle is the Lord’s, the victory is the Lord’s, and the glory is the Lord’s.


Shame on you teachers, preachers and prophets for preaching and teaching a sugar-coated and wimpy Gospel. Read "The Seeking Heart" by Fenelon and you will know what a redeemed soul is to look like. The fear of man and our need to be applauded and admired has ensnared many, very many. Often, even unintentionally, we speak and teach what is popular with man, but unpopular with God. By emphasizing one truth over another we are not preaching or teaching the full counsel of God. Highlighting one truth above another is error. Whenever we do this, we are forfeiting our place in the Holy City of God. The end of the Book of Revelation clearly warns us not to add to or delete one word from the Word of God.

I see a wimpy, not a militant church. When I trumpeted, "Who will march with me?", no one stepped forward. Priests, preachers and prophets have done their level best to declaw, defang, and castrate the Lion of the Tribe of Judah in us. Those who have done that, will find the word Ichabod posted on their church doors. Ichabod means: The glory has departed from Israel.


When the tidings of the disastrous defeat of the Israelites in the battle against the Philistines near to Mizpeh were carried to Shiloh, the wife of Phinehas was near to be delivered. And when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was taken, and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and travailed" (1 Samuel 4:19-22). In her great distress she regarded not "the women that stood by her," but named the child that was born "Ichabod" i.e., no glory, saying, "The glory is departed from Israel;" and with that word on her lips she expired

Wake up and speak up all you Jeremiahs. Proclaim the full counsel of God, both the nature of the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah. If we want to score, we must allow the Lion of Judah to roar. Wimps don’t roar and wimps don’t score. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if you are a wimp or a warrior. Read my letter: Wimp or Warrior? and you will know who you are.

Yes, I must admit, I must confess that for a very long time I only knew Jesus as the Lamb of God and tried to model Him that way. I did not realize that I would never be a whole person or please God until I knew Jesus as both the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah. Read: Jesus Has My Number . This letter explains the importance of knowing and revealing Jesus as both

People-pleasing preachers, priests and prophets display who they are by the way they walk, talk, dress, even smile and frown. Most of us have a people-pleasing side to our personality because we want others to like us. We may know Jesus as the Lamb of God but may never have invited Him as the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5-5). The Lion of Judah is not popular.

We may be gentle, loving, kind, forgiving, long-suffering, tolerant and generous. These qualities are admirable, but without knowing Jesus as the Lion of Judah, our off-springs will have wishbones instead of backbones. They will never roar and never score. In fact, they will probably look more like us instead of Jesus. We cannot reproduce Jesus in his fullness if we don’t know Him in His full stature. Wimps will never turn over money-changers’ tables in the Temple of God. They will continue to let money changers peddle their wares in churches, bookstores, on TV and wherever. But it’s never too late to invite the Lion of Judah so that we will become a radical voice for Jesus like Jeremiah, John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul.

God is allowing a variety of parents and preachers to be our teachers. He decides when we are to be born, where and who our parents and teachers are to be. He knows what we need and when. Finding fault with our parents is a big no-no. God is even allowing villains like Napoleon, Hitler, Osama Ben Laden and Judas Iscariots to infiltrate our lives and sit at our table. He does not tell us why or reveal their true identity at first. History and the Holy Spirit tells us who they are. It is only by the grace of God we have not allowed ourselves to be recruited to be one of them.

Jesus is my Savior, Healer, Deliverer and Commander-in-Chief. The Holy Spirit is my teacher, guide and comforter. I have no complaints. I am filled with gratitude. I am a happy camper. I have been radically forgiven. I am radically loved and am radically alive. If we are not radical, we are lukewarm. Jesus asked me and trusted me to pen these unpopular fighting words. Yes, there is a season to weep and a season to go to war. This is the season to go to war for me. Will you allow God to use you as His wrecking ball, as a smooth stone in His slingshot, or as an arrow in His bow?


The Generals Tent

Peter-Marching with Jesus

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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.