Peter and Rebekah Laue - 965 Cloud Cap Avenue - Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 USA


August 5, 2020

(Not Peter, the Lord's Scribe)

(Painting by Peter's handmaiden Rebekah)

Peter was wearing heavy chains and did not know it. Peter was in a prison and did not know it. But then one day the Holy Spirit opened Peter's eyes and unlocked the doors of his understanding and heart. To exit his prison cell he humbled himself, repented and asked Jesus to forgive him. His jailors had to let him go. Jesus paid the debt that Peter was not able to pay.

Some, who Peter thought were his friends and allies, stoned him with harsh and critical words as he walked out of prison. They called him a traitor and a pawn of Satan. They did not want to let him go. They recommended he see a psychiatrist. He hurled these words back at them.

Published in the Pagosa Springs Sun
on July 5, 2018

The so-called "Church" was furious when it became aware of the Public Notice published in the Pagosa Springs Sun.

Peter in Pagosa may mean well, but the text on his "holy card" is a mixed bag when it comes to truth and confusion. He seems to deny the Trinity when he says that Jesus is the name of his one and only God. Jesus is the head of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, but Peter professes no confidence in the teaching authority Jesus exercises through his Church. He seems to consider the church a mere man-made institution. Jesus is married to his Church. What God has joined, let no human being put asunder.

By living apart from the Church Jesus founded, Peter becomes vulnerable to the same pride and weakness that Martin Luther as a pawn of Satan unleashed on the church. Luther's mistake has led to more than 30,000 different interpretations of the Bible and to more than 30,000 divisions within Christianity. This divisiveness is a scandal that hinders the mission to make disciples of all nations.

Enough said. I counsel you to steer clear of Peter's "personal mixed bag" version of Christianity.

Peter has been speaking and writing with greater boldness and authority ever since the "Church" and the medical community has called him a pawn of Satan. Go to Anointed to Roar.

Peter has been to hell and back many times to be able to write and speak with compassion, insight and authority. He has been affectionately called "The Lord's Scribe and Storyteller" by those who love him. Read: "Cloud of Guilt be Gone!" if you are tormented by the jailers of guilt and shame like Peter was.
Peter is thinking about starting a school for pussy cats who want to learn how to roar like the Lion of Judah. Go to: Fashioned to Reign

Peter-the Lords Scribe and Storyteller


Dear Peter,

If there is one thing I have learned from you the last 26 years it is this: Go to the throne for your marching orders. Don't seek the counsel of a Godly man until AFTER you've sat at Jesus' feet.

And there is more....It is nice to have acknowledgement from Christian leaders... but you won't get a pat on the head unless you preach their message. And, if they didn't hear it from God themselves, they won't recognize prophecy coming from you.

Now, not all are like that. But, it has been my experience that pastors are extremely jealous of their pulpits. You have to be trained in their chosen seminary, come from a long line of recognized ministers, preferably married to his sister, or at least have been trained by him, approved by him, and bow to him, before he will let you speak from HIS pulpit, or write to HIS congregation.

I've learned a few things the last 60+ years about how things work in the earthly "kingdom of God". Leave it all to God and continue to do what Jesus tells you to do, in humbleness of spirit.

It has been a battle for you these last 40? years... but you have children scattered far and wide. Some of your children are neglectful, some are disrespectful, a few are faithful...but all remember the lessons taught them by a man named Peter, who dared to live different, love different, preach different....but always pointed to Jesus.

His Handmaiden


Dearest Dad~~

Reading the entire letter, I had forgotten how cruel folks can be~ that you had placed yourself as a target, when you didn't summit to mainstream Christainty and man's way of doing Church~ to me it is obvious that the person who raked you over the coals hasn't been to 965 Cloud Cap, to have Church~~perhaps the person, thought he or she was doing the church a favor, but I do remember in scripture when Jesus said, "there will come a time when they will persecute you because they persecuted ME"~~

the anger I sensed is from that person, and isn't representing the Kingdom of God~ but you know all of that~ even though I am still not in Church, I do miss being part of a REAL Church, not playing Church mentality~~I have stayed low through this whole time of being out of the Church, the only thing that I know is that it has been said about me that "Ramona is confused"~ but for some reason it didn't bother me at all~~I do believe the Lord, through the covid, and most folks are still remaining home from Church, is that the true Church is among the two or three that are gathered, that once more the strengh of the Church will arise through this, I am not sure, but my prayer is that Church, as it was known, will come out of the dung heap, that the higher ups, will no longer be the ones who just go to the Lord, that the common folk will no longer need a Priest, that Jesus is the true high Priest~~that folks will hear HIM for themselves~~

hopeful the folks that don't see your heart in all of this, that the covid that has brought isolation, will realize their error, or at least start to reconize that it is the heart Jesus is after, not duty, or how many services a church may have, or even conferences, even though those things 'can' be good, but not if the heart isn't there~ well I am going on and on, you get my point, cause we are kindred spirits~

I can't wait to come to Church at 965 Cloud Cap~~

I love you guys more and more, I don't take for granted that the Lord placed you both in my life~~oh, thank you Dad, for getting up at 4:30 in the morning to expedite the latest story to me~~

with much love, your daughter, Ramona Barbara


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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.