Peter and Rebekah Laue - 965 Cloud Cap Avenue - Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 USA

July 4, 2020 - Freedom Day

Those who take these words to heart and trumpet them into the four corners of the world
shall have a place of honor in my Father's House. Peter - the Lord's Scribe

I am going to ride piggy-back on what happened to Gorge Floyd on May 25, 2010. He made history with his last breath when he said, "I can't breathe." Those words and "Black Lives Matter" are now being chanted around the globe. Yes, EVERY LIFE MATTERS - EVERY SOUL MATTERS and that includes the unborn who have no voice except yours and mine. There is no safe place in the world when wombs become tombs and doctors are selling their souls for thirty pieces of silver. Liars, thieves and promise breakers are also in danger of selling their souls for thirty pieces of silver. Only repentance and God's mercy can bring a soul back from the abyss. Is there anyone who has the right to point a finger? Pointing a finger is like pointing a gun. Whoever points a finger, cannot be trusted with a gun. Can I be trusted with a gun?

The picture shows a policeman on his knees crushing the life out of George Floyd while another policeman is standing by. Am I, are we to just stand by? Legions of angels were standing by when the Son of God was nailed to the cross. God did not allow them to interfere, at least not yet. It was not the time for judgment. It was the time for mercy. That is why a loving Father sacrificed his only Son for you and I. I am praying for the policeman. Are you? Or is he already serving a life-sentence in your mind's eye? He needs a priest; he needs Jesus, the high Priest, not a lawyer, not a judge, not a psychiatrist, not a crowd chanting "Murderer." It is only by the grace and mercy of God that any of us are not six feet underground, in prison or are wearing a straight jacket. Where do I fit in this picture? Am I the policeman, George Floyd or the other policeman standing by and observing? Am I holding the coat of Steven while the angry crowd in Jerusalem stoned the first martyr? Have my actions, words or thoughts ever wounded or stoned someone? Am I equally guilty but don't know that I am?

The day in court will come for everyone. It will come for all who have crushed or wounded another life or wasted their own. We all knowingly or unknowingly have. However, in the courtroom of God's justice, mercy will prevail for those who cry out for mercy. The Judge above all judges will lean down and hear the last words of his only Son, "Father, forgive them, they knew not what they were doing."

The day will come when all hearts will be illuminated by the Holy Spirit. Only then will we be able to see ourselves for who we really are, what we have done, what we are capable of doing and what we have failed to do. Then we will never, ever think of ourselves more highly again than we ought to. No one will look down on anyone -- no one.

The world and its science, technology and drugs keeps trying to fix us with only meager success. A good mechanic can put a new engine in a car. A good surgeon can put a new heart into a man's chest, but only God can give us a heart of flesh for a stony heart. I look for the day that psychiatrists will not be permitted to "doctor" anyone unless they themselves have first gone to hell and back at least once. I look for the day that lawyers and judges will be required to spend a fortnight in jail before they are allowed to prosecute or sentence anyone. This writer spent three weeks in a mental hospital and learned first-hand what it feels like to be in such a place. May those who read these words take them to heart while there is time to say, "I am so sorry. I had no idea I was misdiagnosing or mistreating you. I did not realize that I was judging you while my own soul was still unclean and my heart was like stone. I did not realize that the words I spoke behind your back could crush and kill you. I did not realize that my knee was on your neck."

I am another George Floyd. You may be another George Floyd. You may be another policeman. You may be the observer. My name and story is different and my skin is not black. I am both a Jew and a Gentile and know prejudice and persecution. I also know what it feels like to be treated like a second class citizen. The world and its cruel taskmasters kept trying to silence me and others like me. The world and the devil have tried to put their invisible knees on my neck. I learned what the culprit looks like and how he operates. Only by God's grace and mercy did I have the courage to throw off the oppressor, the yokes of "political, religious and medical correctness" and follow Jesus. It's payback time. Today I am a crusader and spokesman on behalf of second class citizens, on behalf of the many whose voices have been silenced.

The world took note of George Floyd's whispered scream. His whispered scream is circling the globe. Rioters and protestors all around the world have taken to the streets in protest. Many rioters are walking in ultimate self-righteousness. More laws will be made and more policemen will be needed to enforce them. Prisons will be filled with more offenders, but nothing will change--nothing! Laws are like band aids applied to gaping wounds. Nothing will ever change, nothing, until our own cruel, stony, proud and unfeeling hearts are transformed into compassionate and caring hearts of flesh. Without compassion, we are like dead men walking.

I have whispered my hurts, heartaches and hopes to a seemingly deaf world for fifty years. I will not stop. I cannot stop. I will not stop using my pen as my pulpit and my lips to blow the trumpet/shofar. Wake up oh Israel, wake up oh world, awake slumbering souls, throw off thy slumber. The world and the devil have tried to shut our mouths; but the Lord will not allow us to be silent forever. In fact, He wants all of us to be His trumpet.

More laws are made. More pills than ever are dispensed as the sure cure for basket cases. In lieu of surgery or shock treatment, chemical bullets have become the weapon of choice to tame unruly thoughts, emotions and voices. But in spite of man's best efforts, there are more basket cases, more people in prisons, more people in straight jackets, more outcasts, more addicts and more homeless on the streets of the world today than ever. There are more suicides than ever. There are more wars and more unmarked graves than ever.

I am compelled to be an advocate for those whose voices have been silenced by death, drugs and hopelessness. A big problem is that medicine and healing have become "big business," very big business. Anything that has become big business is in danger of losing its heart and soul, including healthcare and religion. Bigger is seldom better. Watch out big business! Watch out big churches! Watch out big government! Watch out big universities. You may be selling your soul for thirty pieces of silver.

The day will surely come when someone else, many someone elses, will crusade on behalf of the basket cases of the world. Many already have. Dorothea Dix was one of these voices in the late 19th century. She is known and remembered as "The Forgotten Angel of the Madhouse." The real tragedy is that there are many that are so blind and deaf that they are unable or unwilling to see themselves as basket cases. In God's eyes, every person is or was a basket case and needs Jesus' healing hand and heart. Jesus is the greatest crusader and healer of all times. His words shall never fall to the ground. They will accomplish their intended purpose! It is written, "Every knee shall bow to the name of Jesus." Yes, every knee!

The day will surely come when God will gather these whispered and roaring voices into one mighty roar that will sweep like a tsunami from shore to shore. Like an avalanche it will crush those who have put their fist in God's or anyone else's face. Will I be a part of that tsunami or will I be a silent, uninvolved and timid observer? God is still on his Throne. He is not suffering from a nervous breakdown, does not have a hard heart or is hard of hearing. He knows what He is doing and He is doing it. Yes, God is a merciful Father, but He is also a just God. He sent Jesus, His only Son to die in our place, if we will but humble ourselves and admit/confess that our own righteousness is as filthy rags in God's eyes. Jesus was sent by his Father to turn each of us and the whole world right-side-up. Am I helping or hindering? He is doing it one lost soul at a time. He is doing it by using a George Floyd as another sacrificial lamb. Has my life been turned right-side-up? Unless I see myself as a wretched and lost sinner, God cannot turn me and my life right-side-up.

In the Spring of 1971 I was rushed at midnight via ambulance to General Hospital in Los Angeles. A psychologist, a pastor and a neighbor were certain I had lost my mind after receiving a frantic phone call from my wife. She had heard me praying in my prayer closet and was unable to get my attention. I was in a different world. I had been praying/warring in tongues, my heavenly prayer language. My beautiful first wife of thirteen years panicked. She was sure I had lost my mind. I had found it – the mind of Christ

The hospital did not keep me. By the grace of God the attending physician did not diagnose my behavior as a sign of insanity. He was even wondering why my wife had not accompanied me and suggested we see a family counselor. When I returned home the next day, the doors were locked and my wife and children were gone. That is how and when our marriage abruptly ended. From the vantage point of 49 years later, I know God knew what was happening and allowed it. He is a good and just God. He is my Father and I am his child.

The devil shot himself in the foot big time when he crucified Jesus, killed George Floyd and nearly killed this crusader. He used the law, the religious establishment of the day and thirty pieces of silver to betray and kill the Son of God and Son of Man. He showed his hand and exposed himself as the murderer when he used a policeman as his puppet, dummy and hit man. Here is the question, "Have I ever been Satan's puppet and hit man without being aware that I was?" Will I allow the spirit of fear or anger to ruin, rule or wreck my life? Learn more about our enemy at : God's Amazing Roar.

After that fateful night, my life was never the same. God's grace intervened and several years later God brought a woman into my life who has honored and loved me for the past 47 years. Together we chronicled our journey and titled the book: "To Hell and Back." We invite you to read it. After reading it, may the Lord add your voice to ours. Do let us know if He has. Together with Jesus in our midst and in our hearts, we will make a difference. Every person created by God is born to make a difference. Every life matters. Every person matters. Every word we speak or left unspoken, matters.

Here is a picture of the cover of our book and the links that will let you read or download it.

PDF version for downloading:

Hear the shofar - click on the picture

Peter, after reading this I find myself wanting to reread it again and shout it out from the rooftops for all to hear. I was speechless!!! You have such a gift in writing and sharing your heart from the Holy Spirit in such a genuine way. This should be in a book for all to see.

I highly encourage you to keep going in all the Father puts on your heart to do. I'm reminded of the scripture "Upon this Rock I will build my church." God has many more plans for you and your wife. I'm so blessed to be a part of it. I'd love to one day continue for all you two stand for in the Kingdom of God; so with that, yes I agree and come on board with you both. The Father is showing me a lot and putting me with likeminded people. He said I'd be a matriarch too, to one day, marry the generations. There are many I know all over who have the same vision as you and I do. He is raising a remnant to build the walls ... to build an ark , however, we are that ark. ...We have much to look forward to AS THE SPIRIT LEADS ... I don't know if I worded this all correctly. I am so excited about what's ahead, I don't want to move ahead... so I best be still, ask, seek and knock, believe, trust receive and wait on Him. What I'd like to say is about all you wrote, it would take infinity, as it was so good. Thank you for all you do for everyone. You are a perfect Son in The Father and HE IS SMILING DOWN UPON YOU AND REBEKAH. Sending my love, Deborah


That was a great article Peter, thank you for including me. My husband, son, and many many friends are police officers and not many people know what actually happened to cause this police officer to get so angry that he put his knee on Mr. Floyd, but WE do. It was a great tragedy and he should have never done that, but Mr. Floyd was kicking out the glass inside the police car he was in, spitting, shouting and yelling and was eventually pulled out of the car which then led to the awful actions of the police officer. Not many people actually know why Mr. Floyd was being arrested, but he had committed a crime. He had broken the law. People do not get the officers side of any story, they just automatically blame them when a criminal is hurt or dies during an altercation.

The point I am trying to make is until people that have committed crimes stop resisting arrests and stop disrespecting police officers, there will continue to be things that happen like this. Being a police officer is a thankless job, with men and women putting their lives on the line everyday to keep us safe and protect us from criminals. My son is a great person, and he almost died from a criminal shooting at him, The bullet barely missed him and we know God was protecting our son that night. Eventually the criminal was shot and killed by another officer. My son then tried to save this criminal by giving him CPR even after this criminal had tried to kill my son. Most people don't get what these police officers face everyday and I truly believe that ALL LIVES MATTER especially to God. One bad incident from a police officer does not justify what is happening in the world today and until people wake up and stop demonizing the police, this world is going in the wrong direction.

And, people cannot change history by wiping out statues, etc., all we can do is not repeat history that was cruel and wrong and move forward with trying to make the world a better place for ALL LIVES. What is happening now with the black lives matter movement is not right and we do not support protesters destroying property, historical items, assaulting police, or any type of activity or actions like this. It's time people stood up to these criminals and say “enough is enough”. We plan to do our part and vote for everyone that supports police, law enforcement, stopping the destruction of historical items, keeping criminals and people here illegally from destroying the America we live in. God does not see skin color, but He does see the heart and I'm sure He is crying seeing the awful things people are doing these days trying to justify the wrongs using whatever means they can find to persuade people of all colors that it's right. It's NOT!

A criminal is a criminal is a criminal, not that they cannot be saved by the grace of God, but they must start by wanting to do the right thing instead of destroying property, protesting, shooting people, and basically breaking the laws that have been put in place to protect ALL people. There's a right way and a wrong way to change the world and right now, people are choosing the wrong way. Our president is a Christian, he supports police and all law enforcement and even though he may say the wrong things at the wrong time, he supports ALL LIVES MATTER and he truly wants what is best for ALL AMERICANS, legal citizens of AMERICA. God help us if he doesn't win the election, because the AMERICA you and I know today will not survive if a Democratic president takes over. People need to wake up and see the bigger picture of what our country is facing and it's not racism it's much more serious than that. Please pray for our president, our country, our law enforcement officers, and everyone trying to keep our country the great country it is today.

Thank you Peter, I'm glad we met. You are truly an inspiration to people who have been through the toughest of times, and thank you for putting me in the chair in the Upper Room when I needed it the most.

M from Texas


I want you to know that God is close to the brokenhearted and his grace is sufficient. God is full of mercy. As our world continues in chaos, I see so much wickedness in the hearts of men. What happened to George Floyd was wrong, but many injustices happen in the world because there are many people without God, without Jesus. The Bible is clear: Jeremiah 17:9 says "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." This is why God wants all people to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Without Christ, people are puppets being controlled by the enemy of the cross.

All lives matter. People with physical illnesses, mental illnesses, people with brown skin, white skin, black skin, red skin or no skin. Babies in the womb matter to God; yet they cannot defend themselves when their mothers decide to abort them with the help from Planned Parenthood and doctors willing to murder them. I am thankful for God that He sent his precious perfect Son Jesus to save, heal, and love. Jesus' sacrifice was so brilliant. God does everything perfectly! People need the Lord so that sin will no longer have power over them. God has given us everything we need for life and godliness; and God loves his children and is mighty to save. Satan has a counterfeit for everything God has created. He is a liar and wicked and will one day be thrown into the bottomless pit that burns with fire and brimstone forever and ever!

God is our Healer and He is our Counselor. He is our Provider. He is the All-Sufficient One. He is our Shepherd. He is our Sanctifier. He is our Righteousness. He is our God who Sees. He is our Banner. He is our Healer. He is our Peace. He is our eternal, everlasting God. He is strong and the God of Israel.

You are and we are forever blessed because of Jesus' sacrifice. Halleluiah to the Lamb of God. Vengeance belongs to God; so all these evil people will stand before God in the judgment court, (unless they repent). One day our battle will be over in this life and we will be in the eternal loving arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yes, my heart goes out to the mentally ill, but I know God has them in the Palm of his Hand as they cannot have a sound mind. God is merciful.

Elizabeth from Farmington


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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.