10,000 Shall March
January 18, 2015
Good Morning Barbara
Rebekah is still asleep. The lake in front of our dining room window – Lake Pagosa – is frozen and covered with snow. It’s 20 degrees outside. I can picture you and me and Jesus sitting together at our dining room table hammering out marching orders. One person dubbed our place
“The General’s Tent.”
I am in your life to weep with you and also to war alongside of you and many others. My own parents wore the scars of suicide on their wrists. By God’s grace they survived until a ripe and fruitful old age. It’s a memory that cannot and must not be erased. Your son’s death fuels my heart to go to war. Suicide is like a skeleton in locked closets. It takes courage to unlock those closets and allow our departed loved ones to voice their pain through us. Your son’s death must and shall have a voice. Lord, teach us to hear his silent scream; teach us to be more sensitive to those whose minds and moods are being harassed by the beguiling spirit of suicide.
A mother’s heart will always weep for her children – that is so by God’s design. But by God’s design, weeping hearts are to become warring and triumphant hearts. Tragedy and triumph are ordained by God to walk hand in hand. And that is my prayer for all who will
March for LIFE on
April 25, 2015 in
The weeping hearts of the marchers are to become united into one heart that is filled with purpose, resolve, passion and compassion. That is the purpose of the march.
Jesus - the Lion of the Tribe of Judah - shall prevail. I will march with you in spirit. Together and with Jesus in our midst, the root-cause of suicide shall be exposed and war declared in heaven. on earth and under the earth against that foul spirit of murder.
“The battle is the Lord’s!”
{2 Chronicles 20:15} We already know the score:
(Continued next column)
I am alive and a whole person today because the Lion of Judah in me has prevailed. I am shouting that victory from the housetops. I will add my voice and victory to those who march with you. As you already know, I have been to hell and back. And yes, I am back! Hell tried it’s best to claim my soul and lost because of Jesus in me. He paid the price and showed me the way out.
I am sending you by regular mail the Lion of Judah medallion as my way of letting you know that I am marching with you in a tangible way. It would thrill my heart if all who march with you would receive and display the Medal-Lion. It takes about six weeks to have them minted. They can be worn as a pendant and will unite the marchers into a mighty army. Yes, this is war and Jesus is our Commander-in-Chief!
In many traditions, the color black is worn for a year when a loved one dies. Let us amend that tradition and signal victory to the world around us. Joy comes in the morning. It comes after a season of mourning.
In the mighty name of JESUS,
my LORD and my GOD,
Peter, the Lord's Scribe

“God’s Withered Rose"
Poem & Sculpture by
J. Christopher White
I’m not a rose so withered
that my heart can no more ache,
nor have I ceased to will to give
though it’s now my lot to take.
For time has done its number
on my old and dying shell,
but still inside this framework
is a person, can’t you tell?
A person who once laughed and played
in the sunshine of my youth,
loved and had a family,
raised them in the Truth.
The joys I shared in friendships,
the sorrows shared in loss,
I still desire to share again,
though that avenue seems lost.
I’m in prison – could you visit me?
just let me know you see,
that despite my feeble dying frame,
it’s still worthwhile to know me.
To get God’s perspective, we need more love, not more information.
We must not proofread another person’s life.
If we do not allow ourselves to be stretched, we will shrink.
Let’s not be so spiritual that we are no earthly good.
If we put another person down, we diminish ourselves
Whenever I am a basket case, Jesus sends someone to carry the basket.
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