Peter and Rebekah Laue - 965 Cloud Cap Avenue - Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 USA
Precious Jewels

“Precious Jewels” are taken from the Stretcher Bearers for Christ newsletter, published once in awhile and sometimes a little sooner. Sample newsletters are availiable. Send your request to:

Peter and Rebekah Laue
965 Cloud Cap Ave.
Pagosa Springs,CO 81147 USA

New: A complete collection of “Precious Jewels” is now available as a Word document.

  • We are asked to give God all the glory because He alone is worthy and     we can't handle it.
  • When we put ourselves, a ministry, or a minister on a pedestal, we are     breaking the first commandment.
  • Whether someone toots his horn or His horn, makes all the difference in     the world.
  • God would rather hurt Himself than hurt His children. That is why He     sent Jesus. That is the heart of a true father.
  • God says, “I love you,” not “I love you IF.” He also says, “If you love     Me, keep My commandments.”
  • Don't go for counseling unless you are prepared to surrender your     “pets.”
  • We need to know the depth of our depravity before we can know the     height of God's mercy.
  • Don't rehearse your hurts.
  • A believer can confidently say, “Whether I live or die, I live.”
  • You don't care how much I know until you know how much I      care.
  • If money is the principal incentive we can offer an employee,     we will make some very poor choices.
  • We can measure our frustration tolerance by how perfect     everything and everyone around us has to be.
  • The smallest package is a person all wrapped up in himself
  • I am only a man. If you put me on a pedestal, you cannot learn     from my weaknesses.
  • Jesus unites to conquer. Satan divides to conquer.
  • God will never bless our sins, but He can redeem them.
  • If we are driven, we are out of control.
  • When you try to pull someone out of the ditch, proceed with     caution before you apply power.
  • Pray me loose, don't pry me loose.
  • Every student can be our teacher.
  • Live your life, don't re-live it.
  • Jesus is not pushy, and He is not to be pushed.
  • Only God can unscramble an egghead.
  • We are asked to give God all the glory because He alone is worthy     and we can't handle it.
  • When you try to pull someone out of a ditch, proceed with caution     before you apply power.

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    All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.