Jesus spoke these words to the apostle Peter: "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat; but I have prayed for you that thy faith fail not. And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." (Luke 22:31-32). I, Peter, have been converted; and it is now my great joy and privilege to strengthen and encourage the brethren.
One way I can do that is to recommend those things that have healed me, given purpose and direction to my life, and strengthened my resolve to follow Christ come hell or high water.
My wife Rebekah and I are both deeply indebted to Frances J. Roberts, the author of the book "Come Away My Beloved." This inspirational book has been like medicine for our souls. It has been like a directional sign when we were at a crossroad in our lives. It has been like manna from heaven. It has been like a spring of Living Water. Let us fill your cup with a sample of that Living Water.
Although her books are available in bookstores and via the Internet, let us make this offer to you. We have purchased a number of Frances Roberts' books for the purpose of loaning them to anyone in the Body of Christ who requests them. We will be happy to loan them to you if you agree to include the postage when you return them. Feel free to send us stamps in lieu of cash or a check.
Just send us an e-mail letter with your name and mailing address and which of the books you would like us to send you. Here are the titles of books we currently have in our lending library:
- Come Away My Beloved
- On the Highroad of Surrender
- Progress of Another Pilgrim
- Make Haste My Beloved
- Dialogue with God
- Total Love
Peter & Rebekah Laue
Stretcher Bearers for Christ
965 Cloud Cap Avenue
Pagosa Springs, Colorado 81147 USA
And here is a sample of Frances Roberts' writings from the book "Come Away My Beloved"
Learn to Reign
Call My people to repentance. Yea, call them to their knees for prayer and fasting, for confession and vigilance. For this is a strategic hour. The enemy is rejoicing already over his anticipated victories. Ye can disappoint him and thwart his evil designs if ye lay hold upon the throne of God in steadfast, believing prayer.
Yea, I say unto thee, ye must do even as the devil has done and anticipate your victories in advance. Ye can do more than the enemy at this point. For ye can claim the victories in the Name of Jesus, and all that ye claim in that all-powerful Name is sealed in Heaven before it comes to pass on earth, and the enemy is defeated, yea, even prior to the actual battle.
Lay hold upon this, My people. This is not only a glorious truth in which to rejoice, but it is absolutely vital to thy victory. How go the troops to battle in carnal warfare? Not without due preparation, ample ammunition, and intensive training. I do not expect you to meet your adversary unequipped, unarmed, undisciplined.
Do not count upon Me to deliver by some kind of magic. I give you orders and ye must obey, otherwise ye shall suffer intolerable defeat. Ye do not face light skirmishes in which you can look for easy victories. I remind you that you are not contending with flesh and blood and matching wits with men, but ye are being ambushed and facing open attack from the very enemy of your souls, Satan himself.
He is not out to torment. He is out to destroy. Not to hurt you, but to crush you. Your strength is no match against him. Ye must learn how to lay claim to the throne of God. I have met him and won already as I hung on the cross. Now YOU must find the way of victory yourselves - each one individually - so that My victory already won can become a present victory in operation for you.
Do not cry to Me in the hour of crisis and distress as though I would extend some miracle in answer to prayer. Of course, I do answer prayer, and I can perform miracles, and I bring deliverance, but if I do this, I have only rescued one of my own out of trouble while you yourself have won no victory at all! I want to teach you how to actually circumvent the enemy - to drive him out of the arena. How to subdue kingdoms and how to truly reign in the kingdom of heaven. I want you to experience Jericho's - not Ai's. Ye must be OVERCOMERS if My work is to be accomplished.
Ye are not qualified to be used for My purposes as long as ye are being harassed by the enemy and I keep needing to rescue you from a constant parade of distressing predicaments. Ye are MORE THAN CONQUERORS, Paul said, and it was by My Spirit that Paul was taught to speak thus.
Rise up, then, and lay claim to the power that is yours, because I am in you, and ye are in Me, and as I was in the world, even so are ye. I was victorious, and you too may be victorious. I withstood every encounter with the devil, and you too can stand against him. I healed the sick and wrested tortured bodies out of the grip of evil forces, and you too can do the same.
LEARN TO REIGN, for lo, I have made you to become kings and priests. I have purposed that ye should come into that place where ye share My authority and thus I will be able to manifest forth My glory through you. This is My greatest joy - to lift man out of enemy territory, and seat him in the heavenlies with Me. And where am I? Even at the right hand of the Father who sitteth upon the throne, and He has invested in Me all power in heaven and earth and under the earth; and Ye are seated with Me, far above all principalities and powers. Through Me ye have inherited all. And ye can lay claim to that inheritance now. You do not gain an inheritance when you die, but when the testator dies. Take it, My people. It is yours now. It is yours because of Calvary. When ye think of Calvary ye think of My love; and this indeed is the tie-in between Calvary and this sharing of My throne life. I want you with Me. I want you seated beside Me because I want you near Me. Because I love you.
Where do you expect to see a queen? Beside the king. I have not spoken of you as such, but ye are My Bride. A queen is subordinate to a king, and he reigns while she stands by. No, ours is a closer relationship, for I have vested you with authority also. Ye reign with Me if it be so that ye recognize your privilege to do so, and if ye move out in the power of the Spirit into that realm where I would have you to live and move and, yes, to have your very being. For I would have a people who live in Me continually, and not that ye be moving in and out of this place. I would have you live continually in the center of the kingdom of God, just as I have placed the Kingdom within the very center of your being. You bring this kingdom into operation in your own life by an act of faith; yea, verily, by a constant attitude of faith. For saith the Lord: I will have Me a people in these last days through whom I can manifest My glory. There are works which I must yet do through My body, the Church, which I could not possibly have accomplished through My own physical body in My earthly ministry. I am even now bringing this body together, uniting the individual members, breathing My breath into it, empowering with gifts and ministries, in order that through it I may do My work. So that when the time comes that I take the church out of the world, I may be able to say again "It is finished."
Know this also, that there are sufferings yet to be accomplished in the body of the Church that I was not able to suffer on the cross. Did not Paul write "that ye fill up what is lacking of the sufferings of Christ"? * Lo, I write unto you now that ye be patient, and that ye hold steady through the days that lie ahead, and know that the trials and suffering are working toward a consuming glory.
PRAISE ME, O MY PEOPLE, PRAISE ME. Praise Me out of a heart full of love. Praise Me for every blessing and every victory. Yea, and Praise Me when the most difficult thing to do is to Praise. This is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith, and praise is the voice of faith. It is faith rejoicing for victories claimed in advance. The song of praise is made of the very fabric of things hoped for. It becomes an evidence of unseen things. It is the raw material in My hands from which I fashion your victories.
Give it to me. Give Me much, give to Me often. I dwell in the midst of the praises of My people. I dwell there because I am happiest there, and just as surely as ye make Me h\appy with your praising, ye shall make the enemy most unhappy. He has no power whatsoever over a praising Christian. He cannot stand against a praising Church. This is the most powerful weapon ye can use against him. So praise is like a two-edged sword, the one side bringing health to your own spirit and the other side cutting down the enemy.
Used by Permission from the author